
August 10, 2014

The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it's permanent then it's permanent. If you think you've reached your limits then you have. If you think you'will never get well then you won't. You have to change your thinking. You need to see everything that's holding you back, every obstacle, every limitations as only temporary.

Breathe. All of the times you felt this anxious and overwhelmed. All of the times you felt this level of pain, you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you've survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust that this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you don't give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.

Someone once told me to always live for the little things in life. Live for 5am sunrises and 5pm sunsets where you'll see colours in the sky that are stunning. Live for road trips and bike rides with music in your ears and the wind in your hair. Live for days hen you're surrounded by your favorite people who make you realize that the world is not a cold, harsh place. Live for the little things because they will make you realize that this is what life is about, this is what it means to be alive.

不懂从何时开始,每天都读Qotd。刚开始读是因为要激励朋友,不然常常说话说到一半不懂要怎么回,所以就开始去找Qotd。会有这样的一个时候, 你很喜欢跟某些人聊天,可同时你觉得自己像个傻子一样,说话内容很肤浅,你连回复都要想个一分钟,要想怎样人家才不会觉得你这人怎么怎么的,什么该讲什么不该讲,就会开始质疑自己。渐渐的,原本读qotd是为了激励朋友最后变成激励自己。哈! 读qotd成了一个习惯,不开心的时候只要读一下,觉得okay, 人生很短,我没有必要不开心,心情就会比较好。

突然想到这,前天有个朋友问我你如何知道一个人喜欢还是不喜欢你(关于友谊),其实问这问题的答案,很大可能这人不怎么喜欢你。当你不那么喜欢和那人做朋友,你会无意中表露出来那种“我就是不喜欢你”的感觉,所以另一方其实是感受得到这人怎么那么不喜欢我。 以前我不懂,现在我懂是因为我曾经对一个人的态度很恶劣,问题不在这人身上,在我身上,只是我觉就不喜欢和他做朋友不喜欢和他聊天,有一天他说其实他是知道的我不太喜欢跟他聊天,因为每次敷演他,说话很刺耳。我突然觉得怎么可以take things for granted,所以到现在就会学习去看人家好的一面。

说了太多,明天 Wet Run. 祝福我吧。

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